Synopsis: Working with a Town of Medfield-appointed board, McCabe Enterprises’ multi-disciplinary team developed reuse strategies for this shuttered, derelict state mental health facility for affordable housing, community programs, recreation, and other services and amenities in an economically viable way that would honor the sites rich history and architectural qualities.
Detailed Description: Located in a bucolic setting on the bend of the Charles River, this 58-building complex of buildings served as a major State Mental Health facility for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. After it was closed in 2003, it fell into decay and disrepair, eventually becoming the set for Martin Scorsese’s thriller movie Shutter Island starring Leonardo DiCaprio, based on the bestselling novel by Dennis Lehane.
The wealthy, idyllic town of Medfield sought to find a new set of programs for this large site, programs that could serve the community and its needs for affordable housing, recreational uses, and other services and amenities. Working closely with a board appointed by the Town of Medfield, the McCabe Enterprises’ multi-disciplinary team, developing strategies for reusing the hospital site in a way that built on its rich history and architectural qualities but also developed an economically viable consensus-based plan. PLA prepared the conceptual design for the plan.