Synopsis: To transform the interior of a new suburban home based on a builder’s spec plans, we developed a palette of materials, colors, and textures that added visual delight and harmony to the inside. On a tight schedule we added warmth and intimacy to large-scale spaces.
Detailed Description: The 5,000 SF house, typical of oversized suburban homes, was designed and built by a contractor specializing in the high-end suburban market. Our task was to bring visual coherence to the interior, adding a sense of scale and correcting awkward spatial relationships. The client also asked us to develop a rich palette of materials, colors, textures, and details to embellish the primary living spaces. To accomplish all of this on an accelerated schedule, coordination with the contractor’s construction agenda was imperative.
Because of the extremely tight timetable, CAD-CAM software was used to design and model steel, glass, and wood components, which were conceived and assembled as a virtual and physical kit of parts. The software accelerated the design, review, production, and construction processes. Hand-drawn sketches were translated into digital models, allowing the clients and manufacturers to offer suggestions and revisions. The accuracy of the CAD drawings eliminated the need for shop drawings. The CAD drawings were distributed to all metal workers and craftsmen, and electronic templates were used to laser-cut the steel, glass, and metal elements. The steel was welded in a shop and installed on-site, along with pre-cut and pre-drilled glass and wood components.
The scale was introduced to the vestibule by adding two overhead planes, which anchor a glass-and-steel screen. The planes and screen spatially define and differentiate the vestibule and living spaces. Also, the rich palette of materials (steel, glass, wood) adds warmth and visual interest to an otherwise banal space.