Paulina Acosta

Graphic Designer/Marketing Intern

Paulina is a rising fourth-year Computer Science and Design student at Northeastern University. Over the past few years, she has explored her interests in both technology and design, focusing on having a human-centered approach in all her projects. She is incredibly excited to contribute to and learn from the talented team at Paul Lukez Architecture!

Fun Facts

Fun Facts/Hobbies: I love trying out new recipes to cook or bake for my family and friends. Also, I’ve recently been wanting to learn how to make jewelry.

Do you have a favorite: musician, artist, or sports figure/team? I really enjoy listening to Grent Perez. I went to his concert in Boston last year, and it was one of my favorites!

What do you love about design? I love how design comes in so many different forms. No matter which one I choose to work with, it will always allow me to bring joy to others.

Something people don’t know about you: I enjoy collecting bracelets and will always buy one when I travel!
