Jess Smillie
Jessica is a South African architectural designer completing her Masters degree in Architecture at the Massachusetts College of Art and Design (MassArt). After completing her undergraduate degree in architecture at the University of Cape Town, she spent 5 years under the wings of prolific local architects, learning and crafting in her pursuit of both creating and designing.
Fun Facts
Fun Facts/Hobbies: I’m through and through a maker. I love woodworking, painting, building furniture, model making, sewing, and anything crafty I can get my hands on.
Do you have a favorite: musician, artist, or sports figure/team? I think Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon is the greatest album ever made – but I will also talk your ear off about my love for David Bowie.
What do you love about design? Design is a common language and our most transformative tool.
Something people don’t know about you: I helped design a life-saving medical device for premature babies.