Paul Lukez Architecture
1310 Broadway, Suite 104
Somerville, MA 02144

T: 617.628.9160

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Project Inquiry
For inquiries about new projects, large or small, contact There is no charge for initial calls and brief consultations.

Are you looking for a referral for a contractor, landscape architect or other types of designers and vendors in the field? Contact let us know how we can put you in touch with our contacts. 

Job Applications
Check out our Careers page for current job openings or if you wish to be considered in the future, please contact us now. We keep a record of outstanding candidates on file for future reference. Contact us at for more information. 

Are you a developer, facilities executive, engineer, architect, or allied professional that would like to team up on new projects, RFPs or other entrepreneurial opportunities? Contact us at to get in touch. 

Are you looking for experts in the field of architecture, sustainable design, or urban design for speaking engagements or panel discussions? If we can’t help you, we might be able to point you to others in our network who can. Contact regarding speaking opportunities. 

Are you a journalist/writer or editor and wish to speak about a publishing opportunity or a writing project? Contact us at to connect. 

Mailing List
Do you want to be on our mailing list and receive quarterly announcements and information rich e-mails? Contact us at to be added to our list!

PLA Alumni or Past Partners/Consultants
Are you a contractor or consultant that has worked with us and wishes to be part of our referral service? Have you worked at PLA in the past and wish to receive updates about the firm? Did you work on a project and wish to see your name included and credited on our project descriptions? Contact and let us know! 
